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The first smile and the last goodbye

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Remember baby's smile, the best, her first,
that daddy had the privilege to see;
no sadness had yet come to do its worst -
you smiled as if no evil e'er could be.
This is a long and lonely life for me -
because your little face was lost one day
from daddy's eyes, and I no longer see
that saddest look, as mummy drove away.
Yet when rememb'ring lovely little eyes,
first grinning with delight on daddy's knee,
I say - good night, God bless you, and good bye;
no power on earth can bring you back to me.

Site, poetry, prose, images and audio © 2003-2024 Dave Knight except where otherwise attributed. All rights reserved. The right of Dave Knight to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988