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Portrait of the Artist as a Lone Tree


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The butterfly that would not land

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A moment there I saw you on the leaf;
wings touching, touch, then fluttering away.
Departure caught me muttering my grief,
and then I ran to catch you all the day.
You often looked to land, but then would miss
the flowers fair that offered you their dew;
since you were made for drinking deep in bliss,
I wondered why no landing came for you.
You seemed to feel you could not rest your wings
a moment, lest you know the love I bore;
remembering instead the many things
that called you to be weary ever more.
Thus all my hopes were built on sinking sand;
I loved the butterfly that would not land.

Site, poetry, prose, images and audio © 2003-2024 Dave Knight except where otherwise attributed. All rights reserved. The right of Dave Knight to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988