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The forgotten doll

The doll she clutched was given her in case
jealousy made her hate our newborn son.
Her mother said she might; I knew my place,
and let them dream of Barbie till they'd done.
Joshua was a baby full of peace,
a little lordling laid in stately joy
in special care because of complications;
Jessica's breathless efforts knew no cease,
for once she saw the lovely little boy,
she tried to climb beside for conversations.
A baby boy could know no better sister;
I picked my infant up, and gladly kissed her.
What doll could ever give what she was missing -
a brother born for love, and care, and kissing.

Site, poetry, prose, images and audio © 2003-2025 Dave Knight except where otherwise attributed. All rights reserved. The right of Dave Knight to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988